
Dialog (c)

My ideal future image(Sola)
My image of Chinese business person (Wang Wei)
ウチの社長は中国人」日本人社員が語る働き心地 | China Report 中国は今 | ダイヤモンド・オンライン
My image of Chinese business person (Li Na)

Sola:S Wang Wei:W Li Na:L Other people:O

S: (A man that holds a high position will be comming today’s meeting! I got nervous.)

~Start the meeting~

W:This way was successed in America, don’t we do the same way in Japan?

O(Japanese):Great for you! I admire your taste!

S:It is wonderful that there is suceessful example.

L:I don’t think so.


L:Because, Mr.Wang, it is completely different between America and Japan. Firstly, would we research opinions of Japanese customers? I think that we can find out the needs in Japan by the research.

K:(Wow… it’s terrible for me to state opposed opinion…)

W:Greate Feedback, Li.
We are going to set the meeting with customers soon!

O(Japanese):That’s you all right!! I am convinced!


~End the meeting~

Sola and others:(making a bow)

W:(Why do everyone make a bow? Had they done something very bad…??)

O(Chinese):Hey, Wei! How is your daughter? 🙂

W:Hey, Zhang!…

S:(What!? They are as if friends! huh!?)
Excuse me… is it not strange to communicate in that way? For example, to state opposite opinion to boss and to have a chat with business partner…

O(Chinese):We are only different in the role, we, all of us were born as human. At least, you don’t have to think about greatness here.

Blue:China Purple:Japan

The name is changed to Whan Wei, Li na, and Zhang. Those are popular in China. The above graph shows that China have more power distance than Japan. In fact, there are strong power distance in Chinese families, but in business, Chinese don’t care about hierarchy and they say anything they thought to boss, so Li na express her opinion clearly to Whan Wei. And Chinese make a bow when they feel very grateful or very sorry to the other, so Whang Wei was surprised that Sola made a bow to him. (92 wards)


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