11/10 Compare countries part2

I will write about STEEP global challenge.

STEEP means S socio-cultural ,T technological, E economic, E environmental, P political-legal

I will mention a socio-cultural topic, LGBTQ

LGBT is an initialism that stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender, and Q is for those who identify as queer or are questioning their sexual identity.

LGBTQ Inequality and Vulnerability in the Pandemic | Human Rights Watch
This is the symbol of LGBTQ.

Today, LGBTQ is becoming more common, and people who declare that they are LGBTQ have increased.

In Japan, China, and Indonesia, how they deal with this movement??

・In Japan

Same-sex sexual activity has been legal before 1872 and since 1880(Same-sex sexual activity was criminalized in Japan’s history between 1872 and 1880), but same-sex marriage is not accepted in Japan. Japan is only one country that doesn’t accept same-sex marriage in G7.

・In China

Same-sex sexual activity has been legal in China since 1997. Same-sex couples are unable to marry or adopt, and households headed by such couples are ineligible for the same legal protections available to heterosexual couples.

・In Indonesia

LGBTQ in Indonesia face legal challenges and prejudices not experienced by non-LGBTQ residents. Traditional mores(=モーラス=インドネシアの伝統的な慣習) disapprove of homosexuality and wearing clothing of the opposite sex. Indonesian same-sex couples are not eligible for any of the legal protections available to opposite-sex married couples. Especially, for the Muslims such as people in the province of Aceh and the city of Pariaman in the province of West Sumatra, they are particullary craced down. Criminalization proposed.

The men who wear skirt.

Q1 How do you think that men wear skirt?

Q2 Do you agree with same-sexual marriage?


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